looking for a more human approach to sales + storytelling + business?

Join the Business Artist Movement!

If you're tired of conducting business with a "cover-band" approach to sales that's driven by process and optimization, it's time to become a Business Artist.

We send an email every two weeks. Here's what to expect:

  • A free chapter from The Business Artist
  • Inspiring articles to help you take a more creative approach to sales and relationships
  • Practical tips on selling, business, creative flow, and more
  • Exclusive news and updates only for Insiders!

here's a sneak peak at a few chapters from "the business artist"...

- The Cover Band Syndrome

- The Chasm Between Art & Business

- Humans vs. Algorithms

- The Artistic Mind

- Achieving a State of Flow

- Inner & Outer Creative Forces

- The Customer is the Hero

Adam, is the rare breed of bird that we need today - one who understands how to embrace all that technology and business can bring to the world without losing your soul as you embrace it. This book will give you a roadmap to navigate in this space

Get a free chapter of my upcoming book, The Business Artist: A Human Approach to Sales, Storytelling, Creativity in a Data-Driven World.

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